Chiropractic takes up a conviction characteristic of many heterodox medical currents: most of the time, the disease is a natural response of the organism to an abnormal situation, so what must be done from a therapeutic point of view is to try to improve the body’s spontaneous resources.
However, it must be taken into account that there is no part of the organism that is not reached by a dense network of nerve fibres that start from the brain and the spinal cord and that, constituting the cranial and spinal nerves, leave the cranium and the spinal column to be distributed in all the Organic compartments.
And it is precisely through this network that the vital force is distributed. Thus, in traumas that completely injure the spinal cord, the entire region towards which the nerve fibers that are born in the affected spinal region are directed not only undergoes a process of paralysis, but also of irremediable atrophy.
There are also numerous demonstrations that less serious affections of the nerves can give rise to dysfunctions of organs and tissues innervated by them.
Small traumas, postural defects, uncoordinated movements, etc., can be the origin of vertebral subluxations, which in turn cause micro-injuries of the nerves at the height of the orifices through which the nerves of the spinal column exit; these micro-injuries would be responsible for dysfunctions and disorders of the organs innervated by these nerves.
The most characteristic aspect of chiropractic exercise is the correction of the subluxations of the vertebral and pelvic segments through specific and predetermined actions.The objective of such correction is to normalize the position of the segments with regard to their articular surfaces and to alleviate the consequent muscular and vascular neurological disorders.
The vertebral subluxation consists of an alteration of the relations between two vertebrae of the spine, where one of these segments has lost its normal mobility with respect to the upper or lower vertebrae.
A vertebral block or excess mobility can lead to irritation of the spinal nerves between two vertebrae at that height of the spine.
The nervous system can be divided into two main parts (do not forget that these parts work together in an integrated action and with a specific purpose, which are:
The central nervous system, of which the brain and the spinal cord are part, enclosed in the vertebral canal;
The autonomic or vegetative nervous system, made up of ganglia and nerves coming out of the spinal cord. This system is also known as the “involuntary system,
Always, in any posture, it is convenient to try to keep neck and back aligned and ‘flat’; avoiding the accentuation of the curvature of the lower part of the back e.g. by bending the legs.For those who usually sleep in a supine position, it is best to place a small pillow under the neck. For those who prefer to sleep on one side, it is advisable to use a somewhat larger pillow, which maintains the natural alignment of the neck and spine.
Sleeping with a pillow that is too high is tiring for the neck and back; the same negative effect is caused by the habit of sleeping on your stomach, a posture that causes back and head pain.When a very heavy object has to be lifted, it is advisable to work on the strongest muscles of the legs, in order to reduce stress and prevent distortions and tears.
Insofar as it governs the functions over which we do not exercise direct and conscious control, such as those of the heart, stomach and intestine.The autonomic nervous system is in turn divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic.
Both parts are morphologically differentiated from each other and are largely physiologically antagonists.The sympathetic nervous system is connected to the central nervous system through the upper dorsal and lumbar segments of the spine.
The parasympathetic nervous system is connected to the central nervous system through a series of cranial nerves and through the sacral segments of the spinal cord.Both sympathetic and parasympathetic systems innervate numerous organs; in this double innervation, the two systems are generally physiologically antagonistic.
Thus, for example, when the nerves between the fifth and sixth dorsal vertebrae are irritated and send an excess of nerve signals in the direction of the stomach, there is a decrease in the production of gastric juices.Consequently, it is necessary to maintain a careful balance between the impulses of the sympathetic and parasympathetic system in order to maintain the general physiological balance.
This clarifies the reason why the subluxation of a vertebra can deduce the existence of an organic dysfunction, and vice versa.
The Spinal Column
Seen from behind, the spine should be straight. The 24 vertebrae and intermediate discs should be properly aligned with each other. This bone structure, unlike a rigid duct, must be able to perform smooth movements, while the discs provide a cushioning effect.
The muscles of the back, being inserted in the spine, offer support, mobility and locomotion.On the side of the spine, it has four characteristic curves. This configuration allows for mobility and support and greater range of movement.
For a living being that is erect on two feet, it is important to have this structure able to attenuate the shocks. The chiropractor’s task is to preserve the mobility of the spine, its alignment, flexibility and relief.
The main indications for chiropractic are the symptoms of the so-called Barré syndrome, headache, vertigo, ringing in the ears, pain in the cervical, dorsal and lumbar regions, neuritis and all bone, joint and muscle problems. In all these cases the situation must be assessed to determine the nature of the alteration and the possibility of correction by chiropractic.
Chiropractic medicine
Today, chiropractors frequently collaborate with physicians, and while they cannot prescribe medications without surgical intervention, they employ many standard medical procedures.Chiropractic, a practice considered an alternative and complementary medicine, has come a long way since the days of its founders, who claimed that misalignment of the vertebrae of the spine was the source of all disease.
According to chiropractic theory, misalignment of the vertebrae in the spine can limit the range of movement of the spine and affect the nerves leaving the spinal cord through the spine. In turn, the organs that depend on these nerves may malfunction or suffer from disease.
Chiropractic manipulations are aimed at realigning the vertebrae, restoring the range of motion of the spine, and releasing the nerves.
In addition to chiropractors, osteopathic physicians and physiotherapists are trained in spinal manipulation and perform these treatments. And while many chiropractors maintain the theory that spinal manipulation can treat many other diseases in addition to back pain, scientific research does not support it.